LIVE: Tattoopreneur Conference

June 23 - 25th, 2024

@ Red Tree Tattoo - Columbus Ohio


This year we are excited to partner with Rember from Dark Age Tattoo to present the:

Tattoopreneur Conference

A unique event with exceptional tattooing, business, technology, and painting.

Join other tattoo studio owners, and artists seeking the skills, who want to take their business seriously, to amplify their art and tattoos. With the focus on learning about how to identify your mission and values, the spirit/culture of your studio, and review various playbooks to help you create a plan unique to you to create/evolve to a more healthy self-sustaining professional culture.

On top of seminars and workshops, the even features two paint nights. The first exclusive for ticket holders, and then the following night get a behind-the-scenes look at the famous Red Tree Paint Night, open to all artists.

The last day will be a tattooing Q&A extravangza!

Any questions? Email or text/call (413) 666-2035

Reinventing LIVE Schedule

Sunday June 23rd 2024

9:30 - 10 AM

Checkin and meet and greet.

Check in, and let's get to know each other over strong coffee, tea, and healthy beverages. No trust falls, but you will be forced to meet and interact with people you don't know. 

10 - 10:30 AM

10:00 – 10:30 Opening Talk & Introductions

Attendees will learn a bit about the presenters, the different seminars, workshops, and events that will happen throughout the day. We will go around the table and learn about your goals, challenges, and also something clever you have done that is worth sharing with the group. Homework - Bring points of friction to address.

10:30 - 11:30 AM

10:30 – 11:30 #1 Rember - Entrepreneurial spirits

Understanding yourself is essential to leading, or being a top player in a world class team. We will talk a peek at self-examination, and help identify some of our weaknesses, strengths, and quirks.

Understanding your team, and how important investing in them is, is essential to leading or being part of a world class team. We will go through some exercises as a group that will result in understanding each other, and how to communicate with each other effectively. Each group will be unique, as is each studio, and at the end of the exercise a unique set of communication guidelines, and understanding of each member's communication style, will be able to serve as a guide to take back to your home studios.  

12 - 1 PM

Business Essentials for Tattooers

Starting with your mission and values, we will create a marketing action plan designed to tell your story through various methods with the goal of teaching people about your studio and artists, and attracting the perfect clients to book a consultation or walk in educated about tattoos and your process.·       Followup. Story of perfect clients.·       MAP – focus on compounding tactics·       SEO VS SM to SM & SEO·       Referrals, and real world·       Conventions.

2 - 3 PM

Intro to Procreate with Jason Leeser

Artists! Your unique businesses require unique approaches! We're so happy to host Preston Saunders, a Loan Originator with NFM Lending, Central Ohio's #1 Mortgage Lender! He's helped so many artists navigate the mortgage process as a self-employed artists and how to prepare for success and achieve homeownership!

Pre-register for a special savings!

Thank you!

4 - 5 PM

Advanced Procreate for Tattooers with Rowen Magennis

Procreate for fantasy tattoos. "I started my journey in the US as a student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Here, I graduated with a bachelors degree in arts and Technology. It was through this that I learned the fundamentals of 3D art for Games and Animation. Over the next few years, I plan to expand my knowledge to a masters level, so that I may merge the virtual and Tattoo realm to create a new, and unique product for my clients."

8 - ? PM

Art Night

Phew, time to relax a little, and then process and brainstorm about the day, and finally work on the homework (you are encouraged to talk to your peers about your homework!)

Monday June 24th 2024

9 - 10 AM

Figure Drawing for Tattooers with James Wisdom

Drawing is fundamental to our art, and as tattooers, we draw daily. But it’s easy to get bored and a challenge to continue growing as an artist. That is why finding a community of others to learn, grow, and draw inspiration from is vital to your continued development as an artist and tattooer. Join the host of Drawing for Tattooers, James Wisdom, for an exciting hour of drawing action! You will have a chance to learn about drawing concepts and refresh your love of drawing.

10 - 11 AM

Opening Talk & Think Tank with Jake Meeks

Jake Meeks has been producing tattoos Youtube and podcasts for over a decade. a Leading educator in tattooing, many dont know a large part of his success is learning from outside the tattoo world. Jake has been involved with coaching masterminds, real estate, planning, and will bring his big brain to you!

12 - 1 PM

You made $, now what? Led by Rember & Jake Meeks

Define formulas & goalso   10% to savings, 10% oh shit, 3-6 months expenses in bank.·        Year Projectionso   income & expensesWhere does it go? —> Real estate. Assets. 

2 - 3 PM

3 – 6:30 Midjourney with Jess

Starting with your mission and values, we will create a marketing action plan designed to tell your story through various methods with the goal of teaching people about your studio and artists, and attracting the perfect clients to book a consultation or walk in educated about tattoos and your process.·       Followup. Story of perfect clients.·       MAP – focus on compounding tactics·       SEO VS SM to SM & SEO·       Referrals, and real world·       Conventions.

4 - 5 PM

Elements in Acrylic with Haley Adams

Warm up for paint night

8 - 9 PM

Mindset Mondays with the Fireside Tattoo Club

Discover the building blocks of a successful tattooing enterprise. Gain invaluable insights into marketing your unique artistic identity, navigating the complexities of knowing your artistic worth, establishing meaningful client relationships, and fostering a growth-oriented mindset. Join us in shaping Mondays into a celebration of growth, learning, and advancement in the world of tattooing.

9 - 10 PM

Live Exercise with Reinventing the Tattoo

Every Monday at 9 PM the crew at Reinventing the Tattoo joins together for a live exercise pulled from the amazing Reinventing the Tattoo. Bring your art supplies, and draw!

Tuesday June 25th 2023

10 - 12PM

TattooNOW Business Roundtable - Tech, tools, and tattoo business owners.

Join other tattoo studio owners, artists who take their business seriously, and forward-thinking youngsters seeking wisdom from those with decades of experience. Each Wednesday the TattooNOW Business Roundtable meets to chat about great ideas, solutions to issues, and to discuss different perspectives on the topics brought to the roundtable by participants. This is your opportunity to get a taste of these meetings, live or virtual!

12:30 PM - 2 PM

Black & Grey Tattooing with Jose CD

2 PM - ?

Tattooing Q & A

4 - 6 PM

Dependable Dozen - How to get more tattoo clients

Looking for more clients? Or overwhelmed with clients but want to do more of "your thing"? This seminar will walk through twelve things you could be doing to build your perfect clientele. You bring the awesome and amazing, we'll bring the dependable dozen.

7 - ? PM

Red Tree Art Night

Art Night open to all! Zoom in!

Artist Tickets

  • All Access All Seminars 3 Days

  • Access to Q&A Day with all tattooers

Shop Tickets

  • 5 Tickets for the price of 4

  • The love of your studio

Purchase your tickets today!
No products available

Office: TattooNOW

Call (413) 666-2035


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